Do you know deep down that you want to be living a more meaningful, impactful life?
The powerful skill of coaching will not only transform other peoples lives, it will transform your life too!

The quality of your life is a direct result of the quality of the questions you ask yourself. 

Coaching will enable you to ask yourself and others the most powerful and effective questions so thatyou can reach your highest possible potential.

It can feel painful when you know you have so much potential inside of you and you just can't seem to tap into it.  So if you are DONE with the slow pace at which you have been moving forward, then you have landed in the right place.

Get ready to STEP UP, have a powerful impact on peoples' lives and feel deeply fulfilled in the process.

the fired-up coaching academy!
The Fired-Up Coaching Academy is a year-long self-coaching program with an optional coaching certification.
Inside The Fired-Up Coaching Academy you’ll not just learn how to coach yourself and others, but you will benefit from the support of the group. 

As others rise, they will naturally help you to rise too.

Inside The Academy we are all in this together.

Ready to discover what a fired-up, driven life feels like?

Ready to bring order and focus to your life?

Ready to set goals that excite you?

Ready to learn to prioritize your goals over other peoples opinions?

Ready to develop a solid fitness and spiritual practice too?

Ready to experience the incredible results that come from doing BRAVE things?


- you want to learn how to coach or to improve your coaching skills

- you want clear and direct feedback to support your highest growth
- you want to free yourself from the fears and doubts that hold you back from claiming a fired-up business and life 

- you want a coach that can hold space for you whilst you bravely go after your goals

- you want to become the healthiest version of you that you feel proud of
- you want to uncover  your blind spots which are holding you back (we all have them)

- you want to benefit from the support of a like-minded group of people who are on the same journey as you

- you like your comfort zones and want to stay there
Nothing grows in comfort zones except frustration, stuckness and boredom.

You’ve got to come into the Academy ready to challenge yourself, ready to trust, ready to get vulnerable, ready to share your fears and your doubts and to get the support you need.

As a member of The Fired Up Coaching Academy, you get a weekly 20-minute coaching call with me for a whole year (for 46 weeks, I take 6 weeks vacation).

You will also get access to a weekly group call as you automatically also become a member  of my monthly Fired Up Coach membership program.

The amount of value that joining the Academy offers is incredible!

The 4 Core 6-Week Programs:

Advanced Coaching Skills 

In this 6-week program, you will up-level your coaching skills and become a more confident and impactful coach! 

This advanced 10-week coach training program will help you to coach on high performance, conflict resolution, deep emotional issues, career coaching, executive coaching, business coaching, wellness coaching and relationship coaching.

The program draws on all the best coaching methods out there and help you to discover and define your personal coaching model.

Sales And Negotiation Mastery

Selling and negotiating are loaded topics for many. Massively talented and skilled coaches tense up when it comes to actually selling. But you don't have to. 

When you recognize the value that you are offering and realize that you sell FOR your client, not to them, it gets much easier.

 This program will show you how to sell from your heart and help your future clients to make buying decisions that the feel happy to make.

Manifestation Mastery

This program, which will be taught live in June 2024, will change your whole view of reality and help you to tap into a magical energy that is available to all of us. 

My best manifestation teachers are Dr Joe Dispenza and Neville Goddard, so the program content blends their teachings.

  Some of the topics I'll be covering include energy and waves, vibration & frequency, meditation for manifestation, healing your survival emotions, creating your mind movie, affirmations, surrender and prayer⁣, synchronicities, signs and staying conscious.

Ego Transcendence

Our ego is a beautiful gift from the Divine, to help us to practice overcoming attachment. When we go behind our ego, we experience peace, love and connection and we want for nothing. That is true success.

But we get tested many times in life. This program which will be taught live in October, will help you to recognize and transcend the grip of the ego. Other benefits of this program include the letting go of fear of judgment and other fears, and becoming more visible as an online coach.

When you join the Fired-Up Coaching Academy, you're not just investing in coaching skills; you're igniting a transformation that will unleash your highest potential—physically, mentally, and spiritually—empowering you to become the strongest, fittest, and most spiritually aligned version of yourself, ready to quantum leap into a life of abundance and fulfillment.


  • ​Online Biz Building: 30 days of tips for building your online coaching biz
  • ​Fired-Up Fitness: a 30-day fat-loss program with an emphasis on strength-training for improved physical and mental health and confidence building 
  • Positively Driven: a 30-day mindset program to help you to stay positive, even when things aren't going so well
  • Focus, Discipline and Structure: a 30-day focus program to help you to set and keep to a consistent schedule for better organization and increased efficiency.
  • The Mental Strength Mastery Program: build your mental strength and resilience in 30-days
  • The Alter-Ego Mastery Program: 30-days to creating an alter-ego that you can step into so that you become the new you even before the circumstances appear
  • Money Mastery: 30-days of money mindset trainings to help you to break through your limiting money beliefs and rewrite your money story
  • The Balance Program: 30-days of grounding and stress management so that your life feels more balanced
  • Success Habits: learn the habits and mindset of the most successful people in the world so that you too can implement them
  • Liberate Yourself: this is a 30-day spiritual program to help you to free your mind from the stressful beliefs which keep you stuck in stress
  • ​Meet Yourself: a  short 30-lesson spiritual program which guides you to the stillness inside you beyond your ego.
  • ​Breaking The Habit: 30 bitesize summary videos based on Dr Joe Dispenza's incredible Breaking The Habit Of Being Yourself book and his Progressive Workshop

But there's more..... 

My ultimate goal for every participant that goes through The Fired Up Coaching Academy is that they receive a $10K In A Day Award using the power of the two biggest levers in an online coaching business: high-ticket coaching and webinars. You will learn how to sell your coaching programs through both methods inside the Academy.

Fired-Up Coaching Academy Certification Program ($2,000 additional investment):

If you wish to become a certified Fired-Up Coach, you benefit from 5 additional mentoring calls with me to check your progress and listen back together to your 5 call recordings, in line with the Fired-Up Coach certification requirements.

Additional certification requirements: You will be required to log 50 coaching calls (max 2 with any one practice coaching client) and also provide evidence that you are embodying the Fired-Up Coaching Model in your business and life.

You will be helped with finding practice coaching clients and you will receive business building advice in our coaching sessions.

Upon successful completion of all requirements, you will receive a Fired-Up Coach certification. 

This program has the power to radically transform your life!!!

BUT Don't Just Take my Word For It...
See What Others Have Said About My Coaching!

"I had the pleasure of working with Niamh as my coach for a couple of months, and I can't recommend her enough. She helped me discover my true passion for becoming a wellness coach and helping people improve their health through dietary and lifestyle changes by sharing my own story of overcoming RA.

Niamh's support and understanding were truly remarkable. She was there for me every step of the way, even on Sundays when I was going through tough times. Her dedication and commitment to my growth and well-being were evident in every session we had.

What sets Niamh apart is her fun and energetic approach to coaching. She brings a no-nonsense attitude to life, which I found inspiring and motivating. Her positive energy is contagious, and it made our sessions enjoyable and productive.

If you're looking for a coach who will not only support you but also challenge you to reach your full potential, Niamh is the one. I am grateful for the transformational experience I had with her, and I'm confident that she can help others to become clear on their goals and dreams too.

- A.S., Germany

"I hired Niamh because I learned so much from her free sharings on Facebook and I wanted to learn more. Plus, she's really kind and authentic, and her energy is contagious.

Working with Niamh helped me in so many ways. By making me realize the blocks that were in my mind and the excuses I was giving myself. For example, I had this idea that I couldn't be independent... and she made me realize that I can. I managed to quit my job and work for myself full-time now as a somatic coach and dance teacher.

If you are thinking of hiring Niamh… just don't think about it anymore and do it already ! As long as you're ready to be open minded and ready to hear the truth, she can help you build a better life for yourself, in a supportive and loving way."

- F.L., Switzerland

"I hired Niamh as my coach for both personal and group coaching because she is good at what she does. Niamh has a gift for helping you discover the root of your problems efficiently and with compassion.

Her programs have helped me to reflect on where I am, where I want to be, and helped me to detail the steps I need to take to get there. Following our work together, I quit my 9 – 5 and followed my true purpose. My life is much more aligned than before.

Working with Niamh will be the best investment you've ever made! Investing in yourself is always worth the cost."

- S.M., France

"Niamh has been instrumental and a total catalyst to helping me shift from years of just supporting local UK residents to transforming to an international guiding light OVERNIGHT online. Within 3 months of working with Niamh my income increase by 100%!!!

- R.J., England

what if you totally changed your life in the next year?

I'd love to help you!

Meet Niamh
(It's pronounced "Neeve")
  • Badass mindset coach and recognized as one of Geneva's TOP coaches by Influence Digest
  • ​Fitness & health geek 
  • Living in Geneva, Switzerland but working with clients online worldwide since 2010!
I started my first of many coaching certifications in 2009 and left a life of frustration and misalignment behind! 

It helped me find the courage to listen to myself and to make the changes I needed to make.  I've come along way and I've invested a lot of time, money and energy in my transformation. I will never regret my decision to choose coaching as a career. I has made me who I am today and helped me to achieve my dreams. I'd love to help you to achieve yours too!
This is your defining moment.
The decision is now.


1. I love the sound of this program, but I'm not sure I want to coach. Can I skip that bit?

Totally! There is no obligation to complete the certification part of the coaching program. You will learn a valuable life-skill that I personally believe everyone should have. You'll learn how to coach yourself and to communicate better with others too.

2. Are there any prerequisites for joining this program? I'm not an entrepreneur.

There are zero prerequisites for joining this program beyond a willingness to do the growth work. You could be a 20 year old ballerina, a 50-year old lawyer or a 90-year old brick layer! You may be struggling or you may have achieved massive 'rule-book' success. But this program is not about what society deems successful. It's about you honoring your true desires and creating the life you truly want.

3. Is this coaching certification recognized by the ICF or any other professional body?

No (not yet at least, I am looking into it). However, your personal results will be a lot more important for your credibility than any certificate. I'll give you the right skills and techniques to make sure that you get great results for your clients! ICF certification is only required if you plan to become an executive coach as some (not all) organizations require it. Apart from that, you wont need it.

4. I'm already a coach but I'm really feeling the pull to join. Would it be a waste?

Definitely not! I have taken so many coach trainings and I always pick up new skills and refine my existing ones. Also - if you are feeling the pull, you've got to honor that - that's the first step in living an aligned, fired-up life. Fear, doubt and hesitation have got to go. It's time to trust your gut!

5. Can I pay now but join in a few months so I benefit from the current price and bonus?

Absolutely! You can park your membership start-date for up to 3 months.

6. Can I just participate in one of the 4 core programs without joining the Academy?

Yes, you can sign up for an individual 6-week program for a CHF 2,000 investment.

Currently the calls are on  Thursdays at 3pm Central European Time, but those times are not set in stone. I will always do my best to accommodate the participants majority.

7. I feel like I need more personalized support with longer coaching calls. Is that possible?

Absolutely! Check out my website for my Fired-Up VIP program which involves an hour-long weekly call and week-daily voice-memo support.  This is a high touch program to get high touch results! You will also receive access to The Fired Up Coaching Academy and Fired Up Coach.

2023 ND Inspired™. All rights reserved.