Life Mission Planning Session

Here's what you get:

🔥 Dive deep with a pre-call questionnaire: Uncover your deepest dreams in your life and identify what's holding you back. This comprehensive questionnaire will not only help to clarify your vision. It will also ensures our coaching session is tailored precisely to your needs, maximizing every moment.

🔥 90-minute Life Mission Coaching Session: Get ready for a high-powered, laser-focused coaching session that will take place over Zoom. Together, we'll clarify your true ambitions, strategize your path to your life mission, and identify a plan to achieve its fulfillment.

🔥 10 days of voice-memo follow-up support: The journey doesn't end with the coaching session – it's just the beginning. For the 10 working days following the session, you will benefit from personalized voice-memo support. This will ensure that the momentum gained during our call propels you towards impactful and transformative actions you committed to during your coaching session. 

🔥 30-Day Mindset Program: Receive a 30-day mindset boost with this pre-recorded program which consists of 30 bite-size lessons which will be delivered to your inbox over 30 days.✨

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